PMM System Book System Button -- System Professor MULTIMEDIA -- Copyright (c) 1993 Individual Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. -- default handlers messages, etc -- Each 8hooks up xalready SysBooks -- since we're a the enterbooks each ~, we every Iwe OR one -- other translateWindowMessage -- WM_SYSCOMMAND getWMSysCommand linkDLL "user" ShowWindow( (kernel" DWORD GetFreeSpace( xhwnd, winMsg, wParam, lplow,lphi -- effectively f0xFFF0 61472 -- minimized 3) -- maximized 61728 3) -- funcky thing turns on xclude product! -- whenever a Bgets M off ability buttons Ftry excludetab puppy maximimize toolbook main thus everything maximizeMainWindow e(allows resizing restoreMainWindow -- called starting programs warn ] memory -- code: -- 1 = about Compel -running demo WP Presentation Test Drive checkSystemMemory theCode ZmemFree,memReq 0)/1024) 1000 1500 low." -- eat mouse keyboard clicks EatClicks ZwFlags,dwBytes,cnt,hMsg,lpMsg 66 -- GlobalAlloc flags 32 -- MSG structure, froom spare -- allocate a block GlobalLock( -- Call Windows PeekMessage function we don't want -- Mouse WM_MOUSEMOVEs cursor will -- be flaky ,513,521,1) <> 0 -- Keyboard ,256,264,1) <> 0 -- free GlobalUnlock( GlobalFree( "eaten" -- disable cequivalent keystrokes -- these intercept various znothing prevents wToolBook response happening index selectpage previous paragraph restoreMainWindow first enterButton history checkSystemMemory newpage newbackground showHotwords character enterbook saveas dohelp search index sizetopage italic maximizeMainWindow strikeout underline selectpage ysCommand getWMSysCommand EatClicks enterbook getWMSysCommand ShowWindow kernel GetFreeSpace getWMSysCommand ShowWindow ShowWindow lplow wParam winMsg enterButton maximizeMainWindow ShowWindow restoreMainWindow ShowWindow checkSystemMemory GetFreeSpace Memory is low. memFree memReq theCode EatClicks GlobalAlloc GlobalLock PeekMessage PeekMessage GlobalUnlock GlobalFree wFlags dwBytes lpMsg character search sizetopage previous paragraph first history newpage newbackground showHotwords saveas dohelp index italic strikeout underline selectpage